Team Pedo in collaboration with IQAC and Research Unit organised a workshop on IPR titled “Intellectual property rights – Made easy for dentist” on 11th January 2024. It was a half-day program with 70 participants including faculty members, post graduates and interns. The resource faculty for the program was Dr.Mythili Gnanamangai, Associate Professor, Dept of Biotechnology, KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode. She enlightened the audience about patents and explained in the best possible way with examples related to dentistry, for easy understanding. The program highligted on the importance of patent filing and the steps involved in patent processing. The program was highly appreciated by the attendees, who requested for regular conduct of programs like this in the future too.
News and Events
- Three postgraduate students selected for ICMR research grant for thesis!
- Twelve undergraduate students selected for ICMR STS 2024 research program!
- Sarangam 2K24 – An intracollege sports, literary and cultural event conducted!
- Dr.Biju delivered a guest lecture in World Dental Conference, Bali!
- Farewell party organized for the outgoing interns (Skylarks)!