

A sound knowledge of physiology is most essential for dental professionals. Physiology is a field of science that explains the vital functioning of the living organisms. It is wise to know the functioning of the person in health and to explore which component of the person is malfunctioning. It deals with interdependence of bodily function.


  • Teaching using power point as well as black board to explain
  • Seminars conducted for important topics
  • Regular practice in viva
  • Assignments
  • Monthly test to make them learn regularly & be up to date in the subjects
  • Practical demonstration
  • Chart preparation by the students

Key Features

  • Department of Physiology caters to the teaching needs of both UG and PG levels of Dentistry as per The TamilNadu Dr. MGR Medical University and DCI norms.
  • The physiology section of our general library has a large collection of standard text books, reference books, books for higher learning and research material.
  • Our laboratory provides the latest and sophisticated equipment and facilities to conduct all the experiments as per the syllabus.
  • The microscopes provided for the students are of high standard with good resolution and lighting. The lab can accommodate up to 100 students comfortably at any time.
  • Our department library has standard books recommended by dental council.
  • The faculty is highly experienced and qualified as per DCI and TN Dr.MGR University norms. Our team of faculty are good in various research activities.
  • Students are given periodic tests to assess their knowledge as well as assist them in coping up for their exams. We conduct student friendly interactive sessions, discussions and seminars to improve their knowledge and make the students actively participate in the learning process.
  • Training the students to present research papers in various conferences and involving them in research activities.