

Pharmacology is an integrative and a multidisciplinary science, encompassing a variety of knowledge from chemistry, Biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and molecular biology. It creates a comprehensive framework for understanding and treating a disease. The Department of Pharmacology in KSR Institute of Dental Science and Research was established in the year 2004 and has been catering the needs of undergraduate and post graduate students. It is housed in a spacious 3 storeyed building. The Department has a well equipped laboratory and Faculty rooms. The Department has a vibrant undergraduate teaching program catering to various aspects of Pharmacology. We help our students gain a thorough knowledge about medicine and equip them with the ability to understand the various routes of drug administration, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse drug reactions, and pharmacotherapeutics.

Students understand the general principles of drugs action and able to select and prescribe suitable drugs according to the need of the patients. They are guided to use the drugs judiciously in the best interest of the patients. The Department also imbibes and encourages research attitudes in the undergraduates and helps them to undertake short term studentship research projects.


  • To educate and to provide academic services to the undergraduates and post graduate dental students to apply basic principles of pharmacology and therapeutics to practice rational use of drugs
  • To facilitate basic and applied research that significantly advance current pharmacological knowledge

Key Features

  • Finest infrastructure with well equipped Laboratory
  • Academic activities for under graduates
    In compliance with the syllabus laid down by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, the department conducts theory and practical programs. The theory comprises of large group interactive lectures, seminars and small group teaching in the form of tutorials. Practicals are conducted so as to produce a blend of traditional skills along with a modern outlook in the form of experiments, demonstration, prescription writing, identification of adverse drug reactions and various routes of drug administration techniques.
  • E- Learning activities for UG students
    The Department of Pharmacology in addition to regular classroom teaching and learning programs, also conducts online teaching activities in the form of lectures and presentations, showing educational videos in Zoom meetings and Google Meet, assignment submission in Google classroom and online test in Google forms, and conducts quizzes in Kahoot and Quizzes. The response from the students are well appreciable and they actively participate and perform well in the tests and quiz.