Public Health Dentistry
Public health dentistry is a branch of dentistry which aims in preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through organized community efforts. The department of Public health dentistry works tirelessly towards making dentistry more accessible and affordable to the rural population. The department has been actively involved in organizing many outreach programs like dental screening and treatment camps, school dental health programs, oral health awareness programs, Rallies, marathon etc are organized towards this end. The students are trained in acquiring the skill of identifying health problems affecting the society, conducting health surveys, conducting health education programs and deciding health strategies. Apart from lectures, exercises are designed to help the student understand the community aspects of dentistry.
Key Features
- The department is equipped with 16 dental chairs.
- A full-fledged state of the art museum with innovative working models for educating the public on dental health aspects.
- Tobacco cessation clinic functioning since 2012.
- Fully equipped Mobile dental van with 2 dental chairs and public address system.
- Two rural satellite centres in Molasi and Veppadai providing oral health services for rural people.