The Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, KSRIDSR organized an outreach program as a part of “Make a Difference” event on 16th November 2023. A team of 5 faculty members and 3 postgraduate students visited the Government Primary School in Paramasivakoundampalayam, Tiruchengode and donated a wooden cupboard for the school library as per the requirement of the school. A total of 45 students were educated about oral hygiene. Awareness regarding oral hygiene was delivered by our team of postgraduates. The program was well received and appreciated by the school headmistress & faculty members for the service rendered.
News and Events
- Screening camp conducted in higher secondary school in Rangampalayam!
- CDE program conducted in association with Board of Geriatric Dentistry!
- Dr.Prasad delivered a guest lecture at A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences!
- Course on Microsoft Excel conducted for faculty members and postgraduates!
- KSRIDSR honoured for Outstanding Contribution Towards Community Services!