Student Council Elections of KSRIDSR were conducted for the very first time on 12th October 2021, through ballot
paper voting process. All students voted to elect the following Student Council representatives from their respective years of study:

  1. Academic Representative
  2. Culturals Representative
  3. Sports Representative
  4. Anti-Ragging Representative
  5. Sexual Harassment Elimination Representative
  6. Students’ Grievances Representative
  7. Treasurer

Elections were conducted under the watchful supervision of Dr.Nilophar and team.

The results of the elections were announced during the Investiture Ceremony organized on 22nd October 2021. Dr.Pramod Kumar Gandra, Member, Dental Council of India, was the Guest of Honour. He addressed the newly elected Student Council Representatives and the other students, and appreciated the entire election process. He encouraged students to become more socially and politically responsible.

Chief Guest Dr.Pramod Kumar, Principal Dr.Sharath Asokan, Vice-Principals Dr.C.A.Mathew and Dr.Suman, Executives Dr.Geethapriya and Dr.Prasad, and Election Officer Dr.Nilophar awarded the elected Student Council members with badges.