Four project proposals submitted by the BDS students of our institution have been selected for the ICMR-Short Term Studentship 2020. The details of the selected proposals are as follows:

  1. Title of the project: Effect of oil pulling using sesame oil on the lung capacities in young adults
    Investigator name and year of study: Vinoddhini K, IV BDS
    Name of the guide: Dr.Sharath Asokan
    Department: Pediatric Dentistry
  2. Title of the project: Therapeutic efficacy of Taurine on Diabetic periodontitis in Experimental Rats.
    Investigator Name and Year of Study: N.Hari Prasad, I BDS
    Name of the Guide : Dr V.Sivabalan
    Department: Biochemistry
  3. Title of the project: Assessment of stressors, anxiety levels and stress response of students in the dental colleges of Western Tamilnadu
    Investigator: Shai Keerthana, IV BDS
    Guide: Dr.H Esther Nalini
    Department: Periodontics
  4. Title: Determination of antibacterial activity of acacia nilotica against porphyromonas gingivalis and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: An invitro study.
    Investigator name: K Keerti Shravani, I BDS
    Name of guide: Dr. L.Mahalakshmi
    Department: Oral Pathology

The ICMR STS program aims to promote interest and aptitude for research among the undergraduates. Selected students are expected to undertake and complete the project within two months, and includes a stipend of Rs.20,000/- for the principal investigator (the student).

Congratulations to the students and their guides.