The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, K.S.R Institute of Dental Science and Research, Tiruchengode, had organized a CDE webinar titled “MONOCHROME – UNRAVELLING THE ENIGMA RAYS OF THE GRAYS” on 8th November 2021 to commemorate the “INTERNATIONAL WORLD RADIOLOGY DAY”. The entire programme was conducted under the banner of IAOMR (Indian Association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) and Tamilnadu Dental Council with 3 CDE points (214/21). We had a total of 327 registrations, which included 217 registrations from Tamil Nadu and 110 registrations from across the world. The programme was attended by various academicians, clinicians, practitioners, post graduate students, and interns. The participants attended the online CDE program via Zoom platform and through YouTube platform. The two resource faculty for this programme were Dr.Sathya Ranjan Mishra who delivered a talk on “Radiographic interpretation and diagnosis-The path to success” and Dr.Anand.B on “ Voxel vision – Application of CBCT in Dentistry”.
News and Events
- Screening camp conducted in higher secondary school in Rangampalayam!
- CDE program conducted in association with Board of Geriatric Dentistry!
- Dr.Prasad delivered a guest lecture at A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences!
- Course on Microsoft Excel conducted for faculty members and postgraduates!
- KSRIDSR honoured for Outstanding Contribution Towards Community Services!