On 25th March 2023, Department of Public Health Dentistry organised a CDE program on career guidance for interns. The title of this program was “Dentistry 2.O – Upgrade to the next level”. The inaugural function was presided by Principal Dr.Sharath Asokan. Dr.R.Prakash, Head of the Department of Public Health Dentistry, delivered the welcome address. The first lecture was delivered by Dr.Palanivel Pandian, Reader, Best Dental Science College on “Career opportunities in India”. This was followed by a second lecture titled “Career Opportunities Abroad” by Dr.Kiran Iyer and Dr.Laliytha Kumar Bijai, Lecturers in King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The third lecture was on ‘Clinical Practice’ given by Dr.Palanivel Pandian, elaborating the difficulties faced while establishing a clinic and the intricacies in establishment of clinical practice. About 67 interns attended the program. The program was very interactive and beneficial to the interns.