A value-added course on basic implantology, “An introduction to the world of Implants-Lecture and Hands-on training” was conducted on the 25th, 26th and 30th October 2021 for interns and postgraduates of all disciplines from our college. The course extended for over 20 hours, and had 25 earnest participants. Dr.V.R.Balaji, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontics, CSI College of Dental Science and Research, gave exhaustive lectures on the “Biological and Surgical Aspects of Implants”. The lectures were followed by hands-on training with all the participants enthusiastically placing implants (Paltop, Confident) on styrofoam mandible models under the guidance Dr.V.R.Balaji.

Dr.N.Vidyashankari, Dr.M.Vishwanathan, Dr.M.Maheshwaran and Dr.S.V.Shanmugapriya, faculty of the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, were the facilitators for the comprehensive lectures and demonstration of “Impression Procedures and Prosthesis in Implant Dentistry”. The course turned out to be an eye-opener on standard implant surgical and prosthetic procedures for students who had little or no exposure to implantology.