The National Voters’ Day is celebrated on 25th January every year to highlight the importance of voting and to encourage the citizens to exercise their right to vote. On account of this, the teaching and non-teaching faculty, and postgraduate and undergraduate students of our institution took the Voters’ Day pledge on 24th January 2024. Around 43 teaching faculty, 27 postgraduate students, 278 undergraduate students and 15 non-teaching faculty assembled in the Quadrangle in the Charaka Block at 9.45 AM, and took the pledge.
News and Events
- Three postgraduate students selected for ICMR research grant for thesis!
- Twelve undergraduate students selected for ICMR STS 2024 research program!
- Sarangam 2K24 – An intracollege sports, literary and cultural event conducted!
- Dr.Biju delivered a guest lecture in World Dental Conference, Bali!
- Farewell party organized for the outgoing interns (Skylarks)!