The start practice program was held on 19th March 2022 by INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY through zoom and YouTube platforms. The program was inaugurated by DR.C. A. Mathew MDS., Vice Principal and HOD Department of Prosthodontics. DR.R.PRAKASH introduced the first speaker of the program DR.I. MEIGNANA ARUMUGHAM, ASSOCIATE DEAN PROFESSOR AND HOD OF PHD, SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE. He gave a detailed session on the topic SETTING UP A CLINIC. The session was very informative and an eye opener for all aspiring to set up a clinic. DR.S.RAJESHWARI introduced the second speaker of the program DR.M.SENTHIL, PROFESSOR AND HOD, DEPARTMENT OF PHD, INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES. His session was about THE ART OF CONQUERING THE PATIENTS. His session included various video clips and photos which made the session interesting.
DR.S.SELVA MANI introduced the third speaker of the program DR.J.MAHESH, READER OF DEPARTMENT OF PHD, KARPAGA VINAYAGA INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES. He elaborated on the topic ENHANCING THE SKILLS. He listed out all the various career options after BDS. It was a helpful session for all the career beginners.
The session was followed by a questionnaire session where interns cleared their doubts with the speakers and gained a lot of knowledge. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks given by DR.S.RAJESHWARI.