The first module of the Faculty Development Program on ICT Tools was conducted on 26th, 27th and 28th June 2023 at the Computed Lab of KSR College of Arts and Science. The module was devoted to MS Word. Mr.G.Sivakumar, Asst Prof, Dept of Computer Science (PG), KSR College of Arts and Science conducted the program, in coordination with Dr.H.Prasad, Professor, Dept of Oral Pathology and Microbiology. Thirty faculty members benefited from the program.
News and Events
- Three postgraduate students selected for ICMR research grant for thesis!
- Twelve undergraduate students selected for ICMR STS 2024 research program!
- Sarangam 2K24 – An intracollege sports, literary and cultural event conducted!
- Dr.Biju delivered a guest lecture in World Dental Conference, Bali!
- Farewell party organized for the outgoing interns (Skylarks)!