The fifth clinicopathological meeting of the Triple-O departments (Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology and Microbiology) was held on 22nd September ’23. A clinical case which presented with a pebble surfaced growth on the dorsum of the tongue, clinically diagnosed as lymphangioma of the tongue and histopathologically confirmed to be the same was presented by Dr.Captain S.Elangovan. Dr.Chandramohan and Dr.Prasad also presented the case details from an oral surgery and oral pathology point of view respectively. Faculty, postgraduates and CRIs from various departments attended the meeting.
News and Events
- Team Pedo wins laurels at ISPPD PG Convention in Navi Mumbai!
Outreach program conducted as part of National Youth Day celebration!
February 8, 2025, Community Outreach, SDG
- Faculty development program on E-tools for research organized by the Department of Biochemistry!
Course on English and Communication Skills conducted for I BDS students!
February 3, 2025, Events
- Prosthodontists Day celebrated on 25th January!