Dr.G.S.Kumar, who was the Principal of our institute from December 2004 to November 2020, and donned the role of Dean from December 2020 to September 2021, was felicitated for his exemplary service to the institution, on September 29th, 2021. A celebration was organized for the same at the KSRIET Auditorium. Vice-Chairman of KSR Educational Institutions, Mr.R.Srinivasan, graced the occasion with his presence, and honored Dr.G.S.Kumar with a memento. The CEO of KSREI, Dr.K.Thyagarajah showered words of praise for Dr.G.S.Kumar. Dr.V.Mohan, Director of Administration, KSREI, recollected his memories of working together with Dr.G.S.Kumar for the past several years. Principals of all the other KSR Educational Institutions attended the function. Dr.Radhakrishnan, Principal, KSRCAS, on behalf of all the Principals of KSREI, spoke in appreciation of Dr.Kumar.

Various  teaching and non-teaching faculty of KSR Institute of Dental Science and Research, and numerous alumni spoke about their experiences and interactions with Dr.G.S.Kumar. Dr.Elangovan, Professor and HOD of Oral Medicine, felicitated Dr.Kumar with a memento on behalf of all the faculty of KSRIDSR. Dr.Kumar, in turn, took the opportunity to extend his thanks to all his colleagues and peers. The Principal of KSRIDSR, Dr.Sharath Asokan thanked Dr.G.S.Kumar for selflessly working towards the upliftment of KSRIDSR for close to two decades, and assured him of working towards bringing KSRIDSR to even greater heights. The evening was an emotional thanksgiving farewell to one of the pillars of KSRIDSR, Dr.G.S.Kumar.