An all-faculty meeting was convened in the Dental Auditorium of KSRIDSR on 22nd December 2022. Principal Dr.Sharath Asokan shared the success journey of KSRIDSR in the calender year 2022, and thanked all the faculty for the good work. He introduced and welcomed the new faculty members, and spoke about the changes to be brought about in the functioning of the college from 2023. Vice-Principal (Administration) Dr.C.A.Mathew, Vice-Principal (Academics) Dr.Suman Jaishankar, Administrative Executive Dr.H.Prasad, and Academic Executive Dr.P.R.GeethaPriya explained about the various committees and their functions.
Vice-Chairman of KSR Educational Institutions Mr.Sachin Srinivasan and Director of Administration, KSREI, Dr.V.Mohan graced the occasion with their presence. The vice-chairman had words of encouragement and appreciation for all faculty members.