KSRIDSR hosted TNPSC Group IV examinations!

The TNPSC Group-IV examination was successfully hosted in KSRIDSR on June 9th, 2024. A total of 400 students wrote this exam in our premises. Dental college staff played a pivotal role in the seamless execution of the exam, with two chief invigilators and twenty...

Pre-examination counselling session held

A “Pre-examination Counselling and Guidance” session for the undergraduate students was conducted on 2/12/2021, to support and help our students deal with stress in the run-up to exams, which was the need of the hour with the university exams fast approaching....

III BDS and IV BDS Practical Exam dates announced

The TN MGR University has announced the dates of 3rd year and final year BDS practical examination dates for the upcoming August 2017 University Examinations.  Please click the links below for the details. Final BDS exam dates Third BDS exam dates Details of practical...